Salsa Class
Apr 14th
18:45 - 20:30
Impact Hub Antigua
We’ve got yet another exciting event lined up here at The Hub. A night of that hot, steamy, super-fun dance we see in movies and on TV but never get to do in real life: salsa dancing!!!
There will be an introductory class where you’ll learn a sweet turn pattern and some smooth footwork… just enough material to get your booty on the dance floor with confidence.
It’s a great opportunity to learn something new, have fun, and meet cool people.
It’s a great opportunity to learn something new, have fun, and meet cool people.
You even have the opportunity to practice your new skills later that night at Sin Ventura
No partner or experience necessary, and no dress code. Come as you are!
The only thing required is a smile and willingness to have fun :
The class will be taught by fellow Impact Hub member Alex Chiaghana. Alex has several years of professional experience teaching, competing, and performing in the salsa arena.
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